We are the experts for any issues PC or laptop related. Call us and we can come to you or you can visit our workshop to troubleshoot both hardware and software problems. We will either find a fix or recommend an alternative solution.

Troubleshoot your hardware

Faulty hardware can cause a multitude of problems with your computer’s performance. If it seems unusually slow or it won’t even turn on then it’s time to troubleshoot your hardware.

Replace or Upgrade Faulty Hardware

If an old or faulty hardware component is diagnosed as the cause of your problems, it will be replaced or upgraded with a new one.

Troubleshoot your Software

Alternatively (or even in conjunction with hardware difficulties), you might be experiencing issues with a piece of software on your computer. We can fix any problems with it and teach you how to get the most out of it.

Reinstall Corrupt Software

No software is immune to corruption or problems. We can reinstall all programs to have you up and running in no time.